Saturday, December 3, 2011

What I Have Been Up to...and some ideas!

Here is an easy and cheap craft to do for Holiday this one from my son's teacher a couple of years ago.  They took plain, white tile and broke it up into medium size pieces
(gently in a bag with a is cheap- and
sometimes stores will even give you ones that are already broken for free!) 
Then they let the kids use their thumb print to "dot" the tile...added the details with a glued a ribbon loop to the back and a puff ball for the nose, googly eyes... and Voila!
Cute keepsake, right?  
We made the snowglobe Bulletin Board found on Deanna Jump's it.  I changed the writing paper copy to describe with  their senses what it would be like to be in a snowglobe. 

A hint for all your snowman/Christmas art projects: Glitter SPRAY!  Easy to use and dries to look great!  I used it on the snowglobes...and my elves this year.  You'll love it!
 Like the glitter all over my thumb-?? (no extra charge for that!!) lol

and just one more little observation...have you seen the new happy meal fries??  Using the crayon for scale, here is a picture.  Now I know we have to be more healthy, especially with our kids.  BUT...this resembles "toy size fries"..and if they are this small...HOW CAN I SNEAK A FEW OF THEM OUT BEFORE I GET HOME???  I mean, the kids will know!!  I eat three and that's half the pack!!!  lol
I mean, I guess I could live without stealing their fries.  (maybe)


  1. Those globes are too cute and that craft is awesome!!! I love it!!!!!! :)
    I haven't seen the new Happy Meal Fries but that's because I tend to "Go Large". I'm bad.
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  2. I love the snow globe! Is the spray glitter the same one used for hair? Hmmm.... I can't wait to try that!

  3. Adorable snow globes - I will be doing those next week in stations. Where do you get the glitter spray? That's a must have in my classroom as I am anti-glitter...

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  4. Me again - would you like to post a copy of the writing portion of your globe? Just maybe, pretty please?

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  5. totally doing BOTH of these! You just saved me tons of time trying to find something for parent gifts and bulletin board ideas. Thanks!
    Sunny Days In Second Grade

  6. The snow globes are great. I am going to use them with some blend activities I am doing in the next few weeks with help from the Grinch. Thank you so much for sharing! I love your blog.

    Hop on over to my blog for AWESOME freebies and to see about my giveaway to win an adorable First Grade Rocks t-shirt!

  7. LOVE LOVE those snowglobes! I really like the 5 senses writing-they are aDoRaBlE!!!
    Christie :)
    First Grade Fever

  8. Love your snow globes! Thanks for the glitter spray idea! Will buy some this weekend for my elves next week! :) Would you share the writing portion for the snow globes? :) Have a great weekend!
    Crayons and Curls

  9. Good Golly! Just found your blog and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the ideas!! Thanks sooo much for sharing / re-sharing the snow globe idea!! We make snow globes but these are WAY cuter!! Did you dot white paint on them too!? CUTE CUTE CUTE!

    Newest Stalker!

  10. So creative! Can't wait to have my students make these for our bulletin board. I'd love to have the writing paper you made also...

  11. Hi everyone! Thank you for all your kind words!! =) I will get the pattern for the writing paper from school as soon as I can and upload it for you!! ...the glitter is in the craft section at Walmart (or any craft is specifically for paper/crafts- usually over where the acrylic paint and modge podge is)
    The kids drew their snow scenes and then used the eraser of a new pencil to dot into white paint to add the "snow"...after it dried, I sprayed the glitter looks awesome in person!!

  12. I now follow you too!! :) i'm you 901 follower!

    I love the snow globe!!!

    Happy Holidays!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  13. Oh, I love the tile ornament. I'll have to save it for next year though because LUCKY ME, our librarian (who also does my prep) made beautiful clay ornaments with my kids. Whoopee! I don't have to do anything :)
    Definitely going to do your snow globe idea right away. Thanks!

    Grade ONEderful

  14. Those Happy Meal fries are a joke, right? Or a toy? Besides stealing a bunch of fries, why would you want to take your kids to McD's? Shame on them.
    2B Honey Bunch

  15. I love your writing prompts. Thank you as always for sharing your ideas. I linked back to this post (and your TPT store) on this post

  16. Love thumbprint art! Thanks for joining my linky party.
    Finally in First

  17. Just a question: Did you use the silver or pearl glitter spray? I love how your turned out. We did snow globes last year, but this is great finishing touch. Thanks so much for sharing!

  18. I don't have the can here, but I think it must have been silver...hope that helps!!
