Monday, September 3, 2012

Currently and TBA's Meet the Teacher

Link up with Farley, too!

And TBA is having an Open House this week....

Today is Meet the Teacher!

As most of you know, my name is Jennifer White and I am a First Grade teacher who is a Kindergarten teacher right now (for only this year?)  I am married to a sweet fella, Shawn and have three wild  energetic children: Emma, 11  Jack, 5   Maggie, 3.  Jack started K this year and is in soccer.  Emma is in 6th grade and is on a swim team. Maggie is starting 3 y/o K two days a week.  Life is becoming SUPER busy! 

I teach in a rural, public school in Alabama.  Our school is a self-contained k-12 school.  We have about 600+ total students.  It is about 15 miles from where I grew up. 
 (can't believe sometimes that I didn't move farther away! lol) 
  My teaching style is pretty strict, but I like to play and cut up with my kids, too.  I tend to be really firm at the beginning of the year and as the kids begin to learn the boundaries and expectations...then I let loose a little =)  I am working on being less structured so that I can relate with my Kinders a bit better this year! (it's a work in progress!)

Like the headband?  Hey, it was Turkey Day!!
Be sure to link up with TBA and share your Teaching Style!


  1. Sounds like you are very busy!!! I go back to work tomorrow and meet the new kids. School hasn't even started and I want a vacation again, too!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing about TBA's meet the teacher! I'll have to check it out! Sounds like you are loving Kindergarten!! So excited to see how your year goes with a new grade! :)

    Creating & Teaching

  3. My kids love my ipad and use it more than I do. My daughter is obsessed with learning more sight words and she juts entered K.
    Happy school year!
    My Second Sense

  4. So excited to hear more about your Kindergarten adventure! :)

    First Grade Garden

  5. Hey! I'm a K-2 teacher. I just came across your blog through the TBA linky and now I'm your newest follower :)

    The Lower Elementary Cottage

  6. It's funny how both adults (my husband) and five year olds can both be into the same game -- ha ha!
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers

  7. You have a great Blog! I am now to educational blogging and I love your design. Did you get someone to design your blog for you? I am trying to figure out how to design a Button for my Blog. Any suggestion? Thanks!


  8. Love that Turkey hat! Good luck with the iPad situation!

    -Michaela :)
