Sunday, August 31, 2014

S.T.E.M. Lessons POP! and FREEBIES

Are you familiar with S.T.E.M. (Science Technology Engineering & Math) Lessons?  To be honest, I knew it had to do with science, but I didn't know much else about it.  Enter one very curious, engineer-loving little boy into my classroom this year (my son, Jack) and I decided it was time to learn MORE and to add some of these type lessons to my classroom.  (I mean, who doesn't need a quick and easy way to get kids excited about learning?)  
Waiting, waiting….and then POP!

I read a lot online about STEM activities and, of course, went to TpT to see what was offered.  That's when I found the Science Demo Guy…let's just say he's awesome!  He gives you everything you need in one, fun lesson (even a video demo that explains the science behind the activity)  I used his FREEBIE found {HERE}!
My kids were BEYOND excited!!  First I gathered our supplies (from Amazon).
The activity pack included all the things we needed, including all the standards covered!
We even journaled about what happened!
The page below I created as a beginner page for the STEM activities I plan to do in the future:
This FREEBIE can be found {HERE} with graphics by Graphics From the Pond (who I love!!)
How do you integrate STEM themed activities into your classroom??


  1. Hi Jennifer! I just completed a rocket STEM activity with my fifth graders. We went a little more into how to change the variables of the experiment by changing the amounts of water and tablets and then designed an ultimate rocket. I also just completed a helicopter STEM activity with my third graders that I think your first graders would love! I am a STEM Lab teacher for grades 3-5 by the way!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  2. Looks like a great STEM activity! My students did one STEM last year where they built barges out of tin foil for bears (like the math manipulative ones) to float on. Each team got to build a barge and then put bears on their barges. They loved seeing their barges float and how many bears they can put on their barge before it sank or flipped over. I find that it's so hard to fit in the time. I would love to do a STEM activity for each 9 weeks though! This seems like a very manageable STEM project. I will be trying this out!
    Rambling About Reading

  3. Our school is a STEM school. We received funding for a STEM teacher this year and have had fun with that so far. I have seen this activity done, but it is always fun to watch their reactions. I have a 1-2 combo this year and have found Spangler Science helpful with ideas. Thanks for the freebie paper!

  4. I teach science to over 400 K-5th graders in Wisconsin. I am so lucky. I have taken my whole summer to build in STEM using the new NGSS science standards. It is always fun to find new resources and sites that share ideas. I also want to thank you for posting so much on your son's trials and tribulations, as well as successes. I work with many autistic students and your ideas have been wonderful! I love your site!

    Renee at The Science School Yard

  5. Thanks For Sharing valuable information about STEM activity!. We received funding for a STEM teacher this year and have had fun with that so far.

    Big Data Hadoop Training in Jaipur

  6. Thanks for sharing! I think I overthink STEM. I have the hardest time coming up with activities! I'll have to check out the Science Demo guy.
    Rowdy in First Grade

  7. S.T.E.M classes are great and most kids love them! Kids can get overly excited with the idea of being hands on when creating something. This is the type of activity that they'd definitely do without forcing them!

  8. Your blog is so colorful and helpful! I love all the pictures and worksheets displayed!
