Monday, August 22, 2011

Blog Hoppin' Monday!

I'm joining in the fun over at I'm Blog Hoppin' for their Teacher Week!
Monday is Meet the Teacher!
Me in First Grade

My name is Jennifer and I am from Alabama, haven't escaped...yet. (lol)  This is my 15th year teaching (eek!)...I've taught K, 3rd, and have been in first for 5 years =)  You might not know....
I love murder mysteries and my and shopping.
  I am married to a great guy, Shawn.
Here we are in New Orleans after getting married in Jackson Square:

and we have three awesome kids. 
Emma is 10, Jack is 4, and Maggie is 2 1/2

This year I am looking forward to getting into Daily 5 and using all the great resources blogging teachers have shared!!

I need to keeping a positive attitude, not sweating the small stuff, and keeping up with everything!

I cannot live without Sharpies..chart paper...and my books (you know the ones I don't let the kids have!lol)

Join the fun and link up, too!


  1. Don't sweat the small stuff...I think I'm going to tattoo that across my forehead so I don't forget! :-)
