Monday, December 26, 2011

Linky Party Top Three Posts

I am joining in with Fern Smith's Top Three Most Viewed Posts Linky Party!
 I don't have really, super high numbers...but for me, it seems big =)
with 12, 332 views

with 6, 589 views
with 4,796 views

I am currently working on a ton of things for the New (school) Year! watch out!! 
Maybe I can get those numbers even higher!! lol

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!  I did...basically stayed in my pj's ....except for our annual trip to the Chinese restaurant on Christmas Day =)


  1. Jennifer, Those ARE super high numbers! Way to go! I love your blog and stalk it daily! A pajama Christmas is awesome! I cannot wait for your New Year stuff!

  2. What do you mean you don't have high numbers??! I look at your blog 75000 times an hour, I just break the stats calculator so it doesn't recognize ;) you are plain awesome!!!

  3. girl! those are some high numbers! Mine don't even come close! lol. But I must go check them out to see what I'm missing! :)

    ♥ Jen Ross
    The Teachers' Cauldron

  4. Thanks ladies! It's folks like you that bring a smile to my face every day! I love our blogging community!!

  5. Jennifer,
    Thank you for linking up at my linky party! 12K+ is amazing! I love the elf!
    Have you seen the movie Christmas Story? The dogs next door eat the turkey so they end up in a Chinese restaurant....I pictured your family getting sung to like the movie.... ♫ Fa ra ra ra ra, ra ra ra ra! ♫
    Happy New Year,
    Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas!

  6. I would say those are pretty good numbers! When I find blogs like yours, it makes me want to teach the little ones. Hope you are having a great break!

    Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher

  7. Great numbers! I can't wait to check out those posts!
