Sunday, January 22, 2012

Giveaway Time!

Loving & Learning in Pre-K is hosting a fantabulous Giveaway 
where you could win one of my packs :
AND also

and this...

and a $10 gift card to TPT from

And this also...

And then our host, Julia is adding this:

WOW!  That is a lot of awesome prizes!!

In order to enter for a chance to win visit:


  1. That is a B.I.G. giveaway! Thanks for the heads up!!

    Buzzing with Ms. B

  2. You are my blogging idol! You always leave the sweetest and most encouraging comments on EVERYBODY's blogs, you do an awesome job sharing about giveaways on your blog and Facebook page AND your are just so creative it kills me!

    I big {puffy} heart you Jennifer! Thank you for blessing me as a teacher and as a bloggy friend! =)

    Your kiddos are blessed beyond words to have you touching their hearts each day!

    Heather's Heart
