Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Exchange and Pics of the Day!

Wow.  Valentine's Day is not for the weak of heart...at least not when you are a teacher... =)
Just a quick post about my super fun Valentine Class Exchanges 
(a huge thanks to Caitlin and Sarah for hosting it!!).  
I must be special, because I got TWO Valentine Exchange partners...and it worked out so well!  Here are the awesomely cute Valentine's Cards my kiddos got from Mrs Cotten 
from Virginia (Kinders on the Block Blog...check her fun blog out!!!)

and here is a pic of the sweet cards my kiddos got from Mrs Guntorius' Class in Texas.  
(check out her cute blog, too!)

My kids were THRILLED...it was like Christmas!

And here are some snapshots from our day=)
A picture of the cards I made my students:
 The Valentine Bags inspired by Pinterest and The Teacher Wife (love, love, love her!!):
 And the Inspired Apple (another fav) inspired the cute cards I made:
"I 'moustache' you a question....Will you be mine?"


  1. Looks like a very fun day!! Love your Valentine's cards!

    The First Grade Dream

  2. Omg, they all turned out so cute!! Hope you had a happy Valentin's day!

    Hadar :)

  3. Adorable!! Everything!!! Happy Valentine's Day!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  4. Those valentine cards are too cute!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  5. Those are too cute!!!- everything is! I'm stocking ideas for next year!!! Thanks! Happy Valentine's Day!!! :-)

  6. I love the way you did your mustache pictures with the photo edit and everything right on there!!

    I took pictures of the kids with mustaches and then we decorate large cards with the question and shew, it took a while!! :)

    Saving this idea for next year! :)

    Creating & Teaching

  7. Those moustache pics are soooo funny! I need to remember that for next year! Super cute stuff!
    Christie :)
    First Grade Fever

  8. I have to file those mustache pictures. Did you do them on postcards? How cool!!

  9. Love your cards and bags. Thanks for the valentines, the kids really enjoyed them.
    A few kids even made your mice cards on a lesson today.

  10. Those cards you made for your kiddos are so DANG CUTE!!!! I bet they loved them.
    Dragonflies in First

  11. I love the Valentines you made for your littles!! And the bags! Love it all :)

    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  12. Oh my goodness! I totally agree with that Valentines Day in 1st grade is not for the weak of heart! It looks like your kiddos had so much fun and your monster bags turned out adorable!

    I am you newest follower and love your blog! Thanks for sharing all of your great ideas and finds!

    First Grade ABCs

  13. I love all your Valentine stuff! So much fun:)

    Grade ONEderful

  14. I love what you did with the "I Mustache you a question" activity. What a cute variation! We did the activity from The Inspired Apple too. I will have to keep in mind how you did yours! :)

  15. LOVE :) Im glad you had a fun day!

    Erin Mason

  16. Ahhh love the cards!!! And I am pretty sure that I am the only one that did not do The Teacher Wife's bags! Definitely doing it next year!

    Teachery Tidbits

  17. Haha! I love those "moustache you a question" pictures. They make me smile!!!!

    LOVE YOUR BLOG! You rock, sister!


    A Year of Many Firsts

  18. You are just too cute! I would love to be in your class Miss Jennifer! I hope you have a great week!

  19. Omg...love the cards and your kids' bags!!

  20. So cute! Looks like your class had a day of Love! :) We made your Valentine Friends and I blogged about it today! Thanks for creating them! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  21. OMG the mustache cards are ADORABLE! I have never seen those before!!! Cute!

    Apples and ABC's

  22. I love your cute monster Valentine Bags!! Thank you so much for the Valentine goodies you sent me through the Bloggy Gift Exchange! I couldn't believe you got my name!! I love your blog and your creativity is amazing! Thank you so much for making my Valentine's Day! I love all of it!!! (I posted about it yesterday!)
    Teaching First

  23. those cards you made the kids are stinkin' CUTE!! fabulous job!

    ♥ Jen
    The Teachers' Cauldron

  24. These are absolutely adorable! I just found your blog and I'm your newest follower!

    The Daily Alphabet
