Friday, August 3, 2012

Currently, Pen Pals, & Brochures

Linking up with Farley:

So in other news, I signed up to be a pen pal over at:

You should get over to Teacher Idea Factory and sign up, too!!
Love her blog! =)
Sour Apple Studio
and if you still haven't created a brochure, don't forget that I can create a custom one for you!
Here is the listing on TPT

Here is some of the feedback so far:

 Hope you all have a great day!  I have got to get some stuff done!!  ACKKK!


  1. I teach 1st grade and I',\m your newest follower! I just started my own blog too. :)

    Lindsey Roseboom
    Fantastic First Grade Friends

  2. One of my favorite tools is my cordless glue gun. I have to hide it from my coworkers the first week back or they domineer it! =)

    Emily @ Second Grade Silliness 

  3. I've been going spray painting crazy the last couple of days! Made quite a big mess yesterday ;)

    Happy Friday!

    First Grade Garden

  4. Spreadin' the love! I am taking one of our poang chairs (IKEA) to my classroom this year, I am pretty excited!
    Your newest follower--Back in Fourth

  5. There is always a right and a wrong way to refer to a video game. Does your husband have a headset? They make eveything much quieter.
    The Idea Backpack

  6. I am loving what's left of summer vacay also, because it's going extremely fast at this point!!

    The Daily Alphabet

  7. I bought my hubby earphones for all his gaming happiness... best purchase ever! :D
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

  8. I hopped over on the blog hop & I'm your newest follower.
    I am also loving the tissue paper poms...I'm crossing my fingers I can have them up for at least a month before the fire marshall makes me take them down!

    Carrie :)
    The First Grade Derby

  9. I totally agree with you about the hot glue gun!! I have one at home and one at school!! Shh don't tell the hubby!! ;)
