Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Kids are Coming! The Kids are Coming!!

I feel a little like Paul Revere when I say that, "The kids are coming!  The kids are coming!"
But they are.
Monday, in fact!  I worked and had meetings all last week...met most of my kiddos Thursday night and am almost ready to share photos of my classroom.  But then all of a sudden it hit me, yes, my room is finished basically, but I have NO PLANS for next week!!  I mean, I have some thoughts.  I have some ideas...some resources (thanks to the TPT sale) but no REAL plans.
So that is what I will be doing in my room tomorrow, because as I said, the kids ARE coming!

Here is at least one picture of something I have done...the french fry board I finished up before Open House...I plan to let my kiddos take the "fries" during word work and sort their names into the correct order of letters.
All I did was spray paint large craft sticks yellow and then used a wide tip Sharpie to write the letters on both sides.

My inspiration is two-fold.  Below is a picture of a bulletin board I did MANY years ago using McD french fry holders, which I think either had their progress monitoring improvements or their AR point totals...

And then here is a much later pin I made off of the Creative Teaching Press Pinterest board which is using my Dots on Turquoise...LOVE! 
(click on the picture to see the pin....I couldn't find the original source)

Here is one more picture of mine:
(I have to say, I LOVE the banner style border!!!)

And here are some of my purchases from the TPT Sale...linking up with Blog Hoppin'!

I love everything I bought from these fabulous sellers!  But there was so much more I wanted to buy!! lol


  1. Your fry board is ADORABLE!!! Good luck with your new school year :)

  2. Good luck on Monday!!! Your fries board looks very fun! Thanks for the little pig shout out! :)

  3. Could you be my long lost twin? I spent the entire summer getting great ideas from blogs and my brain is overflowing with ideas but I have absolutely no idea what we are going to do on Wednesday! (Was much easier when I had fewer ideas from which to choose!)

    I'm loving your Paul Revere reference.

  4. Those fries are too cute! (I think it would make me hungry to look at all day though :). We have one more week before kids, but I am really getting anxious to get everything done-I really didn't think about plans either. Oops!


  5. Jennifer, last year at this time I was looking for bulletin board ideas and found your blog - specifically the french fry bulletin board. I seriously spent a day or two reading through your blog and examining pics. I was so envious of your classroom design and layout.

    I took your fry bulletin board and made it my own! I made a huge grill in the middle and we took the kids hands and put different colored paint on their fingers, then the kids put their hands down on paper plates and we made burgers! On the side, we took the french fry boxes and made yellow fries out of construction paper. Each fry had a 3rd grade standard (measurement, author's purpose, life cycles, etc...). The title was, "Can you smell what 3rd grade is cooking?" Turns out, we won 2nd place in our school-wide contest:)


  6. Your room looks great! The fry idea is something that I have never seen before. I'm having a classroom photo linky party. You should link up. I hope your first day goes well!

    Swimming into Second

  7. Here's to a great year! I start back Monday too and I'm at the Daily 5/Cafe conference in ATl til Sunday afternoon. YIKES! I need to do my plans

  8. Your fry stuff looks awesome! Have a great Monday. We start on Wednesday, so I kind of relate to your saying of The Kids Are Coming!! Need to wrap up a couple of things TODAY!! Can't wait to here about your fun week!

  9. so creative, as always!! Best of luck this week :)

  10. Love your Bulletin Board! Such a cute idea! I hope you have a great Monday! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  11. Love your fry board! I am just really super jealous of all your fabulous bulletin boards!!!! :) Hope you have a great start back!


  12. SUCH an adorable bulletin board, and I love that it's functional as well. Too stinkin cute.


  13. That is a fabulous bulletin board!! I love when they're not just cute but also something the kids can use.

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  14. Your fries board is super cute and original. I've never seen anything like that!

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers

  15. I love, love, LOVE your fry board!!! Your kiddos are going to love it!! Thanks for the shout out too :)

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

  16. Hi Jennifer
    Cute board! I have been in 3 days and have my first full week starting tomorrow. I love the fries idea...too cute!
    Have a great first week.

  17. I LOVE your fry bulletin board! I hope you had a great first day!!

  18. Hi Jennifer! I love your fry board so much I am wanting to steal it! One question I have is how do you get all the "fries" to stand up in the containers without sliding all together or falling over?

  19. Well, I balanced them and leaned them back like that for Meet the Teacher...since then they are just jumbled up in each fry
