Monday, August 27, 2012

This is it!

The day that this:

becomes this:
Got this idea from DoodleBugs Teaching!
Wish me luck!!

*and as a side note, I got some of the K desks moved up (I was short a bunch) and some of them had the K kids' names on them.  Not a problem, except that they didn't match mine and that some of them had already started to peel up.  They are the kind that are self adhesive.  I had been on the fence about trying them myself...and after attempting to remove them last night -I know I won't be trying them any time soon. I have removed clear packing tape, the clear pockets, various other name plate variations over the years and NONE were harder to remove than these buggers.  Sure the edges or corners peeled up neatly...but then it went terribly wrong.  It took Goo Gone and a scraper to A LOT of elbow grease!! Not my idea of a fun weekend =)

I will be sticking to the velcro dot idea I got from Lindsey over at the Teacher Wife now for sure!!


  1. Velcro-one of a teacher's best friends! SMILES and stop by anytime!

  2. Congrats on your new position! I know it was unexpected but the little ones are SO lucky to have you! I bet you've already changed everything over! Love the sign above. Cute and welcoming. I bet the K parents are beyond thrilled, aren't they?

    I use the upgraded desk tags from Really Good Stuff. Expensive but they came right up last year...thank goodness! You must have some massive muscles now? :)

  3. Yay!! We're in kindergarten together!! I know that Jada is so happy!! You'll do an excellent job, I just know it!

    The Daily Alphabet

  4. Hope you have a great first day!! I always use velcro dots...easier to move the kids around when they've become too "friendly." :)

  5. Have a grea year Jennifer! I LOVE your FIRST GRADE IS THE BEST sign! Di you Cricut cut them or freehand them?


    1. Thank you , Lori!! I did them free hand ;)

    2. Very impressive! I so would have used my cricut for that cute sign!

  6. Love your first grade/kindergarten sign! So cute!! Best of luck starting out on your kindergarten adventure!!

    Creating & Teaching

  7. Good luck with the switch over to kindergarten. Thanks for the heads-up to not ever buy the self-adhesive name plates. What a yucky job!


    Fun in Room 4B

  8. Love your welcome letters. Have fun in K!

  9. Bless your heart! Hang in there. :)

  10. Good to know- I've considered those name plates before and just never followed through...looking at that picture, I'm glad I didn't.

    The Learning Tree

  11. So fun!!! I hope everything went well today!

  12. I love those door decorations!!! Super cute!

  13. Good luck with the move to Kindergarten!!!!

  14. Velcro is a great idea! I love your sign!!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  15. I love your welcome sign! I just started setting up my classroom and had a similar issue with trying to remove stick-on labels left by other teachers. I was applying a lot of elbow grease and goo-gone with no results when my custodian came in and sprayed some "graffiti remover!" Now, I don't know exactly where to buy such a thing, I'm assuming online or a Home Depot, but it works miracles!

    Have a great year, and enjoy Kindergarten! I've been following your blog and am starting my own this week. Stop by :)


  16. Shaving cream and anything with a straight edge (like a ruler) will take them off easily. Let the shaving cream sit for about half an hour and it should work!

  17. Your sign is gorgeous! Hope all is going well. :D
    I used tacky putty in my desk nameplates for this first time this year. It was so quick to put on. So far it is working out well. If it ends up being a bust - I'm going to Velcro.
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

  18. You're going to be an AMAZING kindergarten teacher! :)

    Sugar and Spice

  19. I HATE the scraping! I had a teacher tell me an idea as she overheard my husband and I talking about the scraping. She said to use clear repositionable contact paper because it has no residue after you peel it off. So this year I got some at WalMart and on it went. Looks good and I even had to peel one off because I had to rewrite a kid's name (you know when you find out they go by another name than what was on the list)and there was no problems.

    Good luck in K. I can't believe you got moved like that or should I say I can't believe you volunteered.

    Cialini Chat
