Friday, July 4, 2014

Daily 5 {Second Edition} FREEBIE and Book Study Ch 8

Math Daily 3?  What??
Yep, that's what Chapter 8 is all about and I have to say, I like it.
I already do a lot of what they describe, we use Investigations (for better or worse) so the math games are a check, and whole group is something I  do well...if I do say so myself, but intervention/small group is my hugest source of frustration.  After 3 or 4 different attempts to explain a concept, manipulative changes, different methods used...and more, I start to lose faith.  I start to get frustrated. I'm only human right?  I hope that including Math Daily 3 and using the smaller bursts of whole group instructions will help my small group time to be more effective.   =)
Here are some examples of how I set up my math storage and stations:
Well, now that I've taken care of my confessional, onto Chapter 8.  They say that Math Daily 3 isn't about providing specific math content, but is instead about providing tasks and activities that engage students in the math they are expected to learn.   The chapter focuses on what the kids are doing independently during math time.
Math Daily 3 includes:
Math by Myself
Math Writing
Math with Someone
(Bookmark included in the freebie below)
The first two are steeped in kinesthetic practice and math concepts...primarily activity based.  Independent and partner math games along with problem solving with manipulatives.  I agree that at the beginning of a new unit, the games should be mostly review.  
Here are some of the games I use, I have a lot that are freebies if you click the tab on the right for "Math" and go back a ways…some games I use are from Investigations and the Geo Board It Pack below is in my TpT shop =)
 These are class sets:
Investigations' games are for homework:
 I store the small homework versions in baskets like this:
These are examples from my Just Add Dice Game pack for Valentine's Day (I have them in my TpT shop for all seasons!)
Math Writing is the time when kids express and articulate their thinking and understanding by working on a particular math problem or concept through pictures, numbers, words, or creating problems of their own.  I expect my kids to explain their reasoning…I use this Data Board for my Math Journaling in the morning from my Math Question of the Day Pack:
As with Daily 5 for Reading, the focus is still on building stamina and becoming independent.  Whole group is for short bursts of math instruction from our math program...breaking it into manageable chunks.  Math Daily 3 breaks up those chunks.  The first focus lesson is the daily explicit teaching of a math concept.  The second lesson provides time for guided practice.  The third lesson is often a problem that reflects that day's math focus, where kids share their thinking either with a partner or the class.  Toward the end, the chapter goes into depth with the supplies, tools, foundation lessons, & the launching process.
Here are some resources I created to help me get started this year!
Hope you will be able to find them useful!
Happy 4th of July!
You can find the FREEBIES {here} on TpT and visit the other links for their chapter reviews and freebies! The book study will be taking a break this coming Friday because many of us will be living it up in Las Vegas for the ITK and TpT Conferences, but we will finish up the book with Chapter 9 on July 18th!


  1. Great post! I love the geo board packet! I am heading over to get it now:)

  2. Love your confessional... I, too, have struggled with the small group aspect of math time... Hopefully Math Daily 3 helps with that! Thanks for the freebies! Also, I used your geoboard pack last year and my kiddos loved it! They loved trying to copy the pictures on the little task cards. So fun! :)

    First Grade Garden

  3. I love your confessions. I will be teaching first for the first time this year, so here is my question, I read the original daily five a few years ago and implemented it in my class. Is the second edition worth the purchase? I am following the study but am torn about buying the book. I am going to check out your geoboard pack.... Thanks!

    1. In my opinion, it is worth buying. The amount of flexibility with the 2nd edition was refreshing. I never bought into ALL of the first Daily 5 book….but this edition makes it easier for me to see myself doing most of it. I am pretty sure they offer digital downloads on Amazon for less than the book copy =)

  4. Yes, I made lots of adaptations with my third graders. Thanks for the reply

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I am not sure if anyone has them, let me ask our 2nd grade teachers to give me a copy of what I need and I am sure I can get something together for a 2nd grade version before school starts =)

  6. Thanks so much for sharing. I have a question not related to the topic... :) Would you please share where you purchased the boxes with the blue lids in your second picture. They look like they are half the size of regular shoebox containers. Thanks so much!

  7. Great post. I am just wrapping up the new edition of The Daily Five and I was so excited to get to the math chapter. You did a great job explaining it. I will certainly check out your question of the day packet, since daily math writing is not something I currently use with my kids.
    Thanks for the freebies as well. They will be very helpful when I try this format with my class during the upcoming school year.
    I look forward to reading more about how the Math Daily 3 is working in your classroom.
    School Is a Happy Place

  8. I love all of these ideas! I want am now thinking of ways to adapt this in my third grade classroom! I especially love the math writing center with the question of the day! :) Thanks for the inspiration! <3

  9. Is the 1st edition worth buying or should I just get the second edition?

    1. I would buy the second edition…and if you needed/wanted more info about the original, I would see if a teaching buddy has it and just borrow it from them =)

  10. Thank you for your insights on Math Daily 3! I will be incorporating this in the Fall (so of course I have been thinking about it all summer).

    Ventaneando: A Window Into First Grade Bilingüe

  11. I really want to implement this this year but I also want to do the main concept in Small group. I'm having trouble figuring it out. If yiu get a chance please send me a message so I can speak with you more about daily 3
