Monday, July 2, 2012

AL Blogger Meet Up

I have gotten a lot of response for the 
AL Bloggy Meet Up!
Tons of suggestions!  
I think it may be easiest if we just stick to the same place as before...same time as before.  

So Chuy's at 11 am....Saturday, July 14th.
I really hope everyone can attend.  If you want to help with goodies, door prizes, 
or with anything else (let the ideas flow!)...just let me know!! =)

If you haven't received an email from me about the meet-up and want to go, leave a comment below with your email address =)


  1. I want to go but I don't think Nebraska is close enough this time:(:(! Have fun!

  2. Jealous!!!!! :) I love Alabama... and bloggy meet-ups! Ohio is too far away! BOO!

  3. Alabama has a Chuy's? That restaurant is from Austin! We LOVE Chuy's it will be one of the things I'll miss most when I move. Enjoy have fun and have some Jalapano Ranch for me! I hope you have a great time.

    A BLT adventure

  4. That's awesome that you get to meet with other bloggers in your state! I live in TX! I am your newest follower!
    Dani Patterson
    Patterson's Porch

  5. One more thing... I nominated you for an award! Head on over to my blog to receive it!
    Dani Patterson
    Patterson's Porch

  6. I would love to come over from MS. My aunt and uncle live in Birmingham. I will have to see if I can sneak off for the weekend.


    Grade 2 Happenings

  7. Great minds!! lol! Wish I could go to the meet up!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  8. :( I only work every third weekend and guess what?? This is my weekend... no!!! I work nightshift and will have to work the night before so I dont think I will be able to make it. Next time though... I will be there for sure... even if I have to take off!! Have fun for me!

    From Blood to Books!

  9. I would love to meet up with Alabama bloggers on the 14th.

  10. When is the next meet up?? We should plan one! I have started a new job and it is dayshift and I would LOVE to get together with everyone now that I can!

    From Blood to Books!
