Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Daily 5 Chapter 4

I just finished re-reading Chapter 4 of the Daily 5 Book! I am happy to be part of another great group of teachers hosting a Linky Blog Hop on Daily5 =)
Chapter 4 is all about the first Step,

The key to this and most steps with D5 is that you move 
Slowly and Thoughtfully. 
The Sisters describe how you meet together on the floor, with your students' book bins ready.  You describe to your students the 
3 Ways To Read.

1.  Read and Talk about the Pictures in a Book
2.  Read the Words
3.  Re-tell a previous read book 
(pictures are helpful with re-tell)

Each time you meet, you describe what it will look like and what it will sound like.  It is important to have your students 'act out' Read To Self in the right way and also to demonstrate the wrong way.  They suggest that it is important to have kids that struggle with behavior to do this, that you can refer them back to the experience later if there are issues.  You know and they know that they know how to do it the right way!

The Sisters describe creating an anchor chart with an I chart.  Around the edges, you can add what kids say about why we want to read, and on the I chart, on one side you describe what Read to Self looks like and sounds like for the students, and on the other side, what it is for the teacher.  Making sure to point out that we 
BOTH have jobs to do. Hardest part for me?  Not correcting behavior or giving eye contact to correct behavior during practice time...VERY tough for me!
Modeling is key.  Having students model the correct and incorrect ways to behave and what to do during Read to Self.  Then, practice for a small amount of time--they recommend 3 minutes.  Then, meet back to the meeting area to discuss and reflect on what happened.  Celebrate the positive, discuss the things that didn't work by looking back at the I chart and reviewing/adding/changing the chart. Each day you will add a minute or two to build stamina for Read to Self.
Practice again.  Reflect again. 

You must:

and then

Here is a little freebie for your planning stage.  
Have your kids fill in with descriptions for Read To Self!
Click on the picture or here to get your copy! =)

Be sure to visit my co-hosts:

Thank you to our Fabulous Hosts:

Don't forget to link Up below!


And let me be sure to say, this is  an "unofficial adaptation of the Daily 5 by Gail Boushey & Joan Moser" and "this freebie is not endorsed by the 2 Sisters". Official link:


  1. I picked up a copy of The Daily 5 and have been reading because of all the great posts and book studies I've seen this summer! I just completed Chapter 4 and am encouraged by the verbiage "The Sisters" provide to explain procedures to students. I'm looking forward to incorporating it into my daily routine. Describe, model, practice, it! Setting the foundation for your year with great procedures is so important! And boy, do I love anchor charts! :-)

    Thanks for sharing your insight!
    Mrs. Dwyer’s A+ Firsties

  2. I might just be sending you a billion emails when I start the D5 this year in my class! I'm super excited about!! A little apprehensive, but I know it will be great in the end!
    Rowdy in Room 300

  3. I left you a little something on my blog. Go check it out!

    Learning With Susie Q

  4. I love the 3 you have hanging on your wall, I may try to "borrow" that when I begin. Thanks for all of the great ideas.
    Think all night…..Teach all day

  5. Love the brainstorming web. Will def be using it this year. I am giving you the One Lovely Blog award because you sooooo deserve it. I love reading your blog.

    A Passion For Primary

  6. I have nominated you and your wonderful blog for the Versatile Blogger and One Lovely Blog Award! Stop by to get the rules! First Grade Exploration Thanks for a great book study!!!

